Jul 21, 2024 | Stress Management
Lots of Memorable Moments this week! From family gatherings to exciting new engagements, here are the highlights: Smoking a Pork Loin and Family Dinner There’s nothing quite like the smell of smoked meat wafting through the air. This week, smoked a pork loin, which...
Mar 14, 2024 | Stress Management
Unearthing Hidden Talents: A Journey of Self-Discovery ✨ 🔍 In the depths of forgotten archives, buried beneath layers of memories, I stumbled upon an artifact—a list I wrote back in the year 2000. It was a candid catalog of my perceived strengths and weaknesses. (We...
Feb 6, 2024 | Stress Management
Strategies for Success: Lessons from the Studious Studs Fashion Show On January 13 I stepped out of my comfort zone and entered the 2024 Studious Studs Fashion Show. I participated in three categories: Famous Person, Evening Wear, and the onstage interview question....
Sep 4, 2023 | Stress Management
🚀 Embrace the Power of LOHAGs! 🚀 Maybe you’ve heard about BOHAGs (Big Ol Hairy “Audacious” Goals) and explored how they can shape our paths to greatness. But hey, let’s be real – life isn’t always about tackling massive goals that span...
Jul 24, 2023 | Stress Management
Embracing Creativity: From Rubber Chicken QR Codes to Unconventional Brainstorming There are days in our professional lives when we find ourselves inundated with back-to-back meetings, countless tasks, and the ever-mounting pressure to stay constantly connected. While...
Jun 2, 2023 | Stress Management
Unleashing the Power of Chat GPT: Conquer Writer’s Block, Grill Like a Pro, Master the Art of Humor and More! As a professional speaker and author, I understand the challenges that come with crafting captivating content and injecting humor into speeches....